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Active and Passive Voice in Hindi

Active and Passive Voice English Grammar में Passive Voice बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण Lesson है। कई Students का मानना है कि Passive Voice के Sentences वो नहीं बना पाते हैं और बनाते वक्त अक्सर गलती करते हैं, इस अधयाय के सभी Concept को अच्छे से समझिये फिर आपसे Passive Voice के Sentences बनाते वक्त कोई गलती नहीं होगा।

  • The modal verbs include can, must, may, might, will, would, should.They are used with other verbs to express ability, obligation, possibility, and so on. Below is a list showing the most useful modals and their most common meanings.
  • The verbs are the most variable element of the sentences. The right form of verb encompasses most of the grammatical rules of English language. Every element of a sentence eventually relates to the verb. The verbs appear differently in a sentence on the basis of their subjects (subject-verb agreement), tenses, moods, voices, different structures, modals, etc.
Use Of Modals With Rules In Hindi Pdf

Modals-like verbs: Modal Concept Example Like to Enjoy I like to watch TV Want to Desire John wants to buy a car A few verbs which often serve as modals too. They need to be conjugated. Need to Necessity We really needed to talk to you Have to Obligation Susan had. Use of Would be, Would Have, Would have been in English Grammar. All Verbs (Modal/Auxiliary/Helping):

मुख्यतः जब किसी वाक्य में कर्ता ( Subject ) की अपेक्षाObject को ज्यादा महत्व दिया जाता है तब वहाँ पर Passive Voice का प्रयोग किया जाता है, इसीलिए इसे कर्मवाच्य Passive Voice कहते हैं। यह एक महत्वपूर्ण अध्याय है, आइये इस अध्याय को अच्छे से विस्तारपूर्वक उदहारण सहित समझें।


Passive Voice को वाक्य में प्रयोग करते समय 'हमेशा' क्रिया ( Verb ) का '3rd' Form' प्रयोग करते हैं।

Passive Voice के वाक्यों में सामान्यतः कर्ता ( Subject ) नहीं होता है, अगर कर्ता होगा तो भी काम को कर्ता 'By के द्वारा' वाक्य में प्रयोग करते हैं।

Passive Voice के वाक्यों में सामान्यतः कर्म प्रधानता की बात होती है, अर्थात कारक ( Object ) के द्वारा जोर दिया जाता है।

केवल Transitive Verbs के ही Voice को Change मतलब Active से Passive के Sentences बनाये जा सकते हैं।

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Passive Voice को वाक्य में प्रयोग करते समय सहायक क्रियाओं ( Helping verbs ) को नीचे सारणी में दिया गया है।


Passive Voice

Helping Verbs

Structure of Passive

Voice Sentences

Present Simple Tense am / is / are object + am/is/are + verb ( 3rd )
Simple Past Tense was / were object + was/were + verb ( 3rd )
Simple Future Tense will be object + will be + verb ( 3rd )
Present Continuous Tense am / is / are + being object + am/is/are being + verb ( 3rd )
Past Continuous Tense was / were + being object + was/were being + verb ( 3rd )
Present Perfect Tense have / has + been object + have/has been + verb ( 3rd )

Past Perfect Tense

had been object + had been + verb ( 3rd )
Future Perfect Tense will have been object + will have been + verb ( 3rd )

Passive Voice में चार 4 Tense के वाक्य नहीं बनाये जाते हैं।

1. Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

2. Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

3. Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

4. Future Continuous Tense.

आइये उदाहरण के द्वारा समझें

1. मुझे एक सेब दिया गया। ( Simple Past Tense )

1. I was given an apple.

2. मुझे पिंकी के द्वारा एक सेब दिया गया। ( By Subject )

2. I was given an apple by pinky.

3. मुझे घर भेजा गया था। ( Past Perfect Tense )

3. I had been sent home.

4. मुझे टीना के द्वारा घर भेजा गया था । ( By Subject )

Use of modals with rules in hindi pdf free

4. I had been sent home by Tina.

5. मुझे स्कूल भेजते हैं। ( Present Simple Tense )

5. I am sent to school.

6. मुझे श्रेया के द्वारा घर भेजा जा रहा है। ( By Subject )

6. I am being sent home by shreya.

7. मुझे घर भेजाजा रहा है। ( Present Continuous Tense )

7. I am being sent home.

8. मुझे एक पेन दिया गया है। ( Present Perfect Tense )

8. I have been given a pen.

9. मुझे सोनम के द्वारा एक सेब दिया गया है। ( By Suject )

9. I have been given an apple by sonam.

10. मुझे बुलाया जायेगा। ( Simple Future Tense )

10. I will be called.

11. मुझे माँ के द्वारा बुलाया जायेगा। ( By Subject )

11. I will be called by mom.

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12. मुझे बुलाया गया होगा। ( Future Perfect Tense )

12. I will have been called.

13. मुझे सोनाली के द्वारा बुलाया गया होगा। ( By subject )

13. I will have been called by sonali.

14. यहां अंग्रेजी सिखाई जाती है। ( Present Simple Tense )

14. English is taught here.

15. यहां मेरे द्वारा अंग्रेजी सिखाई जाती है। ( By subject )

Use Of Modals With Rules In Hindi Pdf

15. English is taught here by me.


Modals जैसे Can, Could, Should, May, Must, Have to, Has to, Used to, Would like to etc. के Passive Voice वाले वाक्यों में 'Be' का प्रयोग करते हैं।

लेकिन कुछ Modals में जैसे Could have, Should have, May have, Must have etc. के साथ 'Been' का प्रयोग करते हैं।

Modals वाले Passive Sentences को वाक्य में प्रयोग करते समय 'हमेशा' क्रिया ( Verb ) का '3rd' Form' प्रयोग करते हैं।

आइये उदाहरण के द्वारा समझें

1. राजू को भेजा जा सकता है। ( Can )

1. Raju can be sent to.

2. संजू को बुलाया जा सका। ( Could )

2. Sanju could be called.

3. संजू को राजू के द्वारा बुलाया जा सकता था। ( Could heve been + By subject )

3. Sanju could have been called by raju.

4. रोहित को एक सेब देना चाहिए। ( Should )

4. Rohit should be give an apple.

5. तुम्हे स्कूल भेजा जाना चाहिए था। ( Should have been )

5. You should have been sent to school.

6. तुम्हे माँ के द्वारा स्कूल भेजा जाना चाहिए था। ( Should have been + Subject )

6. You should have been sent to school by mother.

7. संगीता को पैसे दिए जाना है। ( Has to )

7. Sangeeta has to be paid money.

8. सुहाना को माँ के द्वारा पैसे दिए जाना है। ( Has to + Subject )

8. Suhana has to be paid money by mom.

9. पिंकी को खेलाया जाता था। ( Used to )

9. Pinky used to be played.

10. क्या पिंकी को खेलाया जाता था ? ( Used to with Interrogative )

10. Did pinky use to be played ?


चूँकि Let एक Verb है तो इसे भी Tense के Sentences की तरह ही बनाये जाते हैं।

Let को वाक्य में प्रयोग करते समय 'हमेशा' क्रिया ( Verb ) का '3rd' Form' प्रयोग करते हैं।

Let के तीनो फॉर्म [ 1st Let, 2nd Let, 3rd Let ) ही होते हैं।

Let को वाक्य में प्रयोग करते समय हमेशा Let को मुख्य क्रिया ( Main Verb ) की तरह प्रयोग करते हैं।

आइये उदाहरण के द्वारा समझें

Use Of Modals With Rules In Hindi Pdf

1. मुझे जाने दिया गया। ( Simple Past Tense )

1. I was let go.

2. मुझे माँ के द्वारा स्कूल जाने दिया गया। ( Simple Past Tense by mom )

2. I was let go to school by mom.

3. राजू को खेलने दिया जा रहा है। ( Present Continuous Tense ) Filmora pro download free.

3. Raju is being let play.


Study of modal auxiliary verb is a must to learn English. So we are providing Auxiliaries Grammar which includes modal verbs definition,modalauxiliaries verbs examples and specially auxiliaries verbs list. It will Enable you to solve auxiliary verb exercise. So Read the page and enjoy English modal verbs to be perfect in auxiliaries in English


1. Fill in the blanks using suitable modals :

Computers (a) …………… provide information on any topic with the click of a mouse. Some people think that sometimes they (b) ……………replace the teachers, but that is a wrong idea. The computers (c) …………… never be a substitute for teachers. The teachers (d) …………… profitably use computers al teachings aids.

Ans. (a)Can, (b)could

(c) would, (d)might.

2. Fill in the blanks using suitable modals:

The symptoms of leprosy appear on the skin. Ulcers (a)…………… also be found in the mouth. The patient suffering from it (b) …………… certainly he separated from others. It (c) …………… still be better if he is removed to a hospital. If the disease has taken deep roots it (d) …………… not be cured with home remedies.

Ans. (a)may, (b)should,

(c)would (d) can

3. Fill in the blanks using suitable modals:

There (a) ……………be people to discourage you when you are on your way to progress. But you (b) ……………. continue to work hard for your career. You (c) …………… definitely achieve your aim. Once you achieve it you (d) …………. plan to go forward and never look behind.

Ans. (a)May (b) must

(c)will (d) need.


1. Put will or shall in the blanks to complete the dialogues.

(a) Rekha: I'll be in a moment.

Use Of Modals With Rules In Hindi Pdf

Poonam:…………. I wait for you?

(b) Mohan: It's very cold outside. You close the window, please?

(c) Pooja: Chhaya and I………. help you in cooking.

Chhaya: I'd love to, cooking is my hobby.

(d) Asha: Who knows what the future brings?

Manu: I will work hard to make my future bright.

(e) Anshu: I give you a cup of tea?

Anup: I'd love to have one.

Ans. (a) Shall: (b) Will: (c) Shall; (e) Shall

II. Complete the following paragraph using will/won't/would/wouldn't:


Modals-like verbs: Modal Concept Example Like to Enjoy I like to watch TV Want to Desire John wants to buy a car A few verbs which often serve as modals too. They need to be conjugated. Need to Necessity We really needed to talk to you Have to Obligation Susan had. Use of Would be, Would Have, Would have been in English Grammar. All Verbs (Modal/Auxiliary/Helping):

मुख्यतः जब किसी वाक्य में कर्ता ( Subject ) की अपेक्षाObject को ज्यादा महत्व दिया जाता है तब वहाँ पर Passive Voice का प्रयोग किया जाता है, इसीलिए इसे कर्मवाच्य Passive Voice कहते हैं। यह एक महत्वपूर्ण अध्याय है, आइये इस अध्याय को अच्छे से विस्तारपूर्वक उदहारण सहित समझें।


Passive Voice को वाक्य में प्रयोग करते समय 'हमेशा' क्रिया ( Verb ) का '3rd' Form' प्रयोग करते हैं।

Passive Voice के वाक्यों में सामान्यतः कर्ता ( Subject ) नहीं होता है, अगर कर्ता होगा तो भी काम को कर्ता 'By के द्वारा' वाक्य में प्रयोग करते हैं।

Passive Voice के वाक्यों में सामान्यतः कर्म प्रधानता की बात होती है, अर्थात कारक ( Object ) के द्वारा जोर दिया जाता है।

केवल Transitive Verbs के ही Voice को Change मतलब Active से Passive के Sentences बनाये जा सकते हैं।

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Passive Voice को वाक्य में प्रयोग करते समय सहायक क्रियाओं ( Helping verbs ) को नीचे सारणी में दिया गया है।


Passive Voice

Helping Verbs

Structure of Passive

Voice Sentences

Present Simple Tense am / is / are object + am/is/are + verb ( 3rd )
Simple Past Tense was / were object + was/were + verb ( 3rd )
Simple Future Tense will be object + will be + verb ( 3rd )
Present Continuous Tense am / is / are + being object + am/is/are being + verb ( 3rd )
Past Continuous Tense was / were + being object + was/were being + verb ( 3rd )
Present Perfect Tense have / has + been object + have/has been + verb ( 3rd )

Past Perfect Tense

had been object + had been + verb ( 3rd )
Future Perfect Tense will have been object + will have been + verb ( 3rd )

Passive Voice में चार 4 Tense के वाक्य नहीं बनाये जाते हैं।

1. Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

2. Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

3. Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

4. Future Continuous Tense.

आइये उदाहरण के द्वारा समझें

1. मुझे एक सेब दिया गया। ( Simple Past Tense )

1. I was given an apple.

2. मुझे पिंकी के द्वारा एक सेब दिया गया। ( By Subject )

2. I was given an apple by pinky.

3. मुझे घर भेजा गया था। ( Past Perfect Tense )

3. I had been sent home.

4. मुझे टीना के द्वारा घर भेजा गया था । ( By Subject )

4. I had been sent home by Tina.

5. मुझे स्कूल भेजते हैं। ( Present Simple Tense )

5. I am sent to school.

6. मुझे श्रेया के द्वारा घर भेजा जा रहा है। ( By Subject )

6. I am being sent home by shreya.

7. मुझे घर भेजाजा रहा है। ( Present Continuous Tense )

7. I am being sent home.

8. मुझे एक पेन दिया गया है। ( Present Perfect Tense )

8. I have been given a pen.

9. मुझे सोनम के द्वारा एक सेब दिया गया है। ( By Suject )

9. I have been given an apple by sonam.

10. मुझे बुलाया जायेगा। ( Simple Future Tense )

10. I will be called.

11. मुझे माँ के द्वारा बुलाया जायेगा। ( By Subject )

11. I will be called by mom.

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12. मुझे बुलाया गया होगा। ( Future Perfect Tense )

12. I will have been called.

13. मुझे सोनाली के द्वारा बुलाया गया होगा। ( By subject )

13. I will have been called by sonali.

14. यहां अंग्रेजी सिखाई जाती है। ( Present Simple Tense )

14. English is taught here.

15. यहां मेरे द्वारा अंग्रेजी सिखाई जाती है। ( By subject )

15. English is taught here by me.


Modals जैसे Can, Could, Should, May, Must, Have to, Has to, Used to, Would like to etc. के Passive Voice वाले वाक्यों में 'Be' का प्रयोग करते हैं।

लेकिन कुछ Modals में जैसे Could have, Should have, May have, Must have etc. के साथ 'Been' का प्रयोग करते हैं।

Modals वाले Passive Sentences को वाक्य में प्रयोग करते समय 'हमेशा' क्रिया ( Verb ) का '3rd' Form' प्रयोग करते हैं।

आइये उदाहरण के द्वारा समझें

1. राजू को भेजा जा सकता है। ( Can )

1. Raju can be sent to.

2. संजू को बुलाया जा सका। ( Could )

2. Sanju could be called.

3. संजू को राजू के द्वारा बुलाया जा सकता था। ( Could heve been + By subject )

3. Sanju could have been called by raju.

4. रोहित को एक सेब देना चाहिए। ( Should )

4. Rohit should be give an apple.

5. तुम्हे स्कूल भेजा जाना चाहिए था। ( Should have been )

5. You should have been sent to school.

6. तुम्हे माँ के द्वारा स्कूल भेजा जाना चाहिए था। ( Should have been + Subject )

6. You should have been sent to school by mother.

7. संगीता को पैसे दिए जाना है। ( Has to )

7. Sangeeta has to be paid money.

8. सुहाना को माँ के द्वारा पैसे दिए जाना है। ( Has to + Subject )

8. Suhana has to be paid money by mom.

9. पिंकी को खेलाया जाता था। ( Used to )

9. Pinky used to be played.

10. क्या पिंकी को खेलाया जाता था ? ( Used to with Interrogative )

10. Did pinky use to be played ?


चूँकि Let एक Verb है तो इसे भी Tense के Sentences की तरह ही बनाये जाते हैं।

Let को वाक्य में प्रयोग करते समय 'हमेशा' क्रिया ( Verb ) का '3rd' Form' प्रयोग करते हैं।

Let के तीनो फॉर्म [ 1st Let, 2nd Let, 3rd Let ) ही होते हैं।

Let को वाक्य में प्रयोग करते समय हमेशा Let को मुख्य क्रिया ( Main Verb ) की तरह प्रयोग करते हैं।

आइये उदाहरण के द्वारा समझें

1. मुझे जाने दिया गया। ( Simple Past Tense )

1. I was let go.

2. मुझे माँ के द्वारा स्कूल जाने दिया गया। ( Simple Past Tense by mom )

2. I was let go to school by mom.

3. राजू को खेलने दिया जा रहा है। ( Present Continuous Tense ) Filmora pro download free.

3. Raju is being let play.


Study of modal auxiliary verb is a must to learn English. So we are providing Auxiliaries Grammar which includes modal verbs definition,modalauxiliaries verbs examples and specially auxiliaries verbs list. It will Enable you to solve auxiliary verb exercise. So Read the page and enjoy English modal verbs to be perfect in auxiliaries in English


1. Fill in the blanks using suitable modals :

Computers (a) …………… provide information on any topic with the click of a mouse. Some people think that sometimes they (b) ……………replace the teachers, but that is a wrong idea. The computers (c) …………… never be a substitute for teachers. The teachers (d) …………… profitably use computers al teachings aids.

Ans. (a)Can, (b)could

(c) would, (d)might.

2. Fill in the blanks using suitable modals:

The symptoms of leprosy appear on the skin. Ulcers (a)…………… also be found in the mouth. The patient suffering from it (b) …………… certainly he separated from others. It (c) …………… still be better if he is removed to a hospital. If the disease has taken deep roots it (d) …………… not be cured with home remedies.

Ans. (a)may, (b)should,

(c)would (d) can

3. Fill in the blanks using suitable modals:

There (a) ……………be people to discourage you when you are on your way to progress. But you (b) ……………. continue to work hard for your career. You (c) …………… definitely achieve your aim. Once you achieve it you (d) …………. plan to go forward and never look behind.

Ans. (a)May (b) must

(c)will (d) need.


1. Put will or shall in the blanks to complete the dialogues.

(a) Rekha: I'll be in a moment.

Poonam:…………. I wait for you?

(b) Mohan: It's very cold outside. You close the window, please?

(c) Pooja: Chhaya and I………. help you in cooking.

Chhaya: I'd love to, cooking is my hobby.

(d) Asha: Who knows what the future brings?

Manu: I will work hard to make my future bright.

(e) Anshu: I give you a cup of tea?

Anup: I'd love to have one.

Ans. (a) Shall: (b) Will: (c) Shall; (e) Shall

II. Complete the following paragraph using will/won't/would/wouldn't:

We won't be here in school next July. It is hard to believe, isn't it? Soon we (a) …………. complete our ten years of general education Once the results are out, I (b) …………. be sure what stream I should take. Then I (c) …………. know where I am heading. It (d) ………….take long. Who knows what the future………….bring? I (e)…………. agree with this idea. I feel, as a student I (f) …………. put in my sincere efforts and (g) …………. let any obstacle come in my way. I (h) …………. go by my teachers' advice. (i) ………….you mind taking a tip? To achieve something in life one should have faith in oneself.'


(a)will (b)will

(c)will (d) will

(e)will (f) won't

(g)will (h)won't

(i)will (j) would.

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Exercise – 3

I. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below using must or should.

(i) You…………. fix your photograph on the form to open a bank account.

(ii) We …………… be punctual and hard-working.

(iii) RAKHI: Have you seen the film on tigers?

ARUN: No, I haven't.

RAKHI: I've seen it. It's great. You………. see It.

(iv) You are running at a high temperature. Don't ignore it. You……….consult a doctor immediately.

(v) To feel happy and energetic one…………. go for a morning walk.

(vi) We …………. respect senior citizens.


(i) must: (ii) should:

(iii) should: (iv) must:

(v) should: (vi) should.

2. Use mustn't or shouldn't in the blanks below:

(i) Ravi, you…………… paint your doors during rainy days.

(ii) Raj. it's a non-smoking area. You………. smoke here.

(iii) You …………. be telling him this. It's supposed to be a secret between you and me.

(iv) You…………… talk loudly. My parents are sleeping.

(v) You have just learnt to swim. You……………. swim in the river. It is very deep.

(vi) You…………. open a letter that is not addressed to you. Its bad manners.

(vii) As responsible citizens we …………delay paying taxes.

(viii) You…………. honk near the hospital.

Ans . (i) shouldn't: (ii) mustn't

(iii) mustn't; (iv) shouldn't;

(v) mustn't: (vi) shouldn't

(vii) shouldn't: (viii) shouldn't.

For More Exercises:-

Modal Verb Rules, Exercises and Worksheets No. 4,5 & 6

Modal Verb Rules, Exercises and Worksheets No. 7,8 & 9

Modal Verb Rules, Exercises and Worksheets No. 10,11 & 12

Modal Verb Rules, Exercises and Worksheets No. 13,14 & 15

Modal Verb Rules, Exercises and Worksheets No. 16,17 & 18


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